Winter. It can really can mean a variety of different climates. But because I don’t think you really need to think about winter gear if you’re living in Florida (which is exactly why I think people choose to live there!), I’m writing about winter favorites that I’ve found useful in a winter that is cold […]

One of my favorite things is a pajama set. I think I first heard the term little luxuries from Ashlee Gadd, but that is definitely what I think about when I think of PJs. I love changing into my PJs as soon as we’re home for the night. Or, if I can’t get to it before […]

The thing is that I LIKE and WANT clean, white teeth and fresh breath. I'm pretty sure that I'm not alone in that. Please tell me I'm not. So since I'm getting a late start on the new year, one of the things that is on my 2019 list is to do better with my mouth and Colgate TotalSF Advanced Whitening Toothpaste is helping me do that!

If there's a color that I've always loved, it's red. I'm not totally sure why, because as far as bright colors, this is one of them, and I usually shy away from c o l o r, but red seems to be the exception. I don't know if it's because I think it's a super patriotic color (#militaryspouse) or because I think it's a happy color - no matter why, I'm a fan of red.

It doesn't actually matter the season, there will be black in my closet. And even though, if there is going to be color, it's most likely to being during summer, I still gravitate to what I love... the color black. I think it's pretty obvious if you look at my outfits. One of the items on my summer wardrobe list was black jean shorts - denim and distressed were the qualifications.

I am all about the swimsuits this summer! Mainly because I can wear one everyday if I want, because that Colorado sun is so rad. It's been a few summers since I really looked at buying swimsuits so I wasn't totally sure what I wanted. Clearly, the one-piece swimsuits caught my eye. They just make so many good ones now that it's hard to say no. 

I bought these camouflage pants four years ago, but I just recently pulled them out of the back my closet and I can't stop wearing them. A lot of trends do have a repeat season, and if you find a piece that you like, it's worth hanging onto. To me, camo has always felt like a neutral, with a little edge. Whether it's a jacket, pants or shirt, wearing camouflage adds a fun little edge to your wardrobe. 

LOCATION | Capitola Beach, Capitola CA shorts (like these too!) | tank (similar) | sweatshirt ℅ Tobi | sunglasses but I like these too Before I moved to Monterey, I would have never thought that you would or need to wear anything other than a swimsuit to the beach. But since this coast struggles to hit warm temperatures, I’ve gotten almost zero use out […]

Here’s the thing, when it comes to my everyday, this is eighty-five percent how I roll: something easy to wear and minimal effort with hair and makeup. I say eighty-five percent because I do occassionally add mascara, and it usually makes a world of difference in my face. Any while it’s not always sunny in the […]

It's coming back to me now because I'm here, but when there's a new little person in your life, you have to take your days a little slower.  Not just because they're not on the eat three times a day, sleep through the night plan.

Brecken James was born March 18th – 8.3 pounds (BIG for a Colorado baby) and 21.25 inches long. I’m not much for birth stories, but let me just say, this babe took a lot more work to get him here than his older brother did. All lies about the second birth being easier and faster! […]

We’re moving to Monterey, California. Honestly, I love Colorado and will definitely shed a tear or two about leaving. When I saw the email from my husband the other day that officially confirmed our move, it just so happened that it was classic, Colorado-sunny day with the Rocky Mountains just standing there in my view […]

// tank / joggers (similar) / sneakers // Unless this little guy has a mind of his own, we have his arrival all planned! And considering Ajax had to basically be forced out of my belly, my guess is this guy will need a little encouragement too. Although there will be no complaints from me […]

My soon-to-be oldest, he showed me just how amazing motherhood is. And while I don't always feel confident in my motherhood, when I see him - happy, laughing, talking non-stop, exploring, learning, loving, even throwing a standard two year old protest - it gives me confidence.

// dress : Old Navy Maternity / jacket : J.Crew Factory (similar) / sneakers : Steve Madden // Lawd… I’m still pregnant. Yes, I know. REAL pregnant. Granted, I should be. But for some reason, my brain has been saying “birth, birth, BIRTH” for like, the past two weeks. Who knows what my body is […]

This pregnancy, knowing there's about to be another newborn in my life feels overwhelming at times. Because I don't know how hard it will be. Or how much sleep I won't get, or if everything I did with Ajax will not work with this one, leaving me with only Google and millions of texts to my mom in order to survive.

Here’s me hoping February just flies by! Good thing it’s the shortest month we have, although it is a Leap Year this year… We have a long weekend and a weekend up in the mountains planned for February so I’m thinking that will make the weeks just a little bit shorter for me. It always […]

Even after I found out there was going to be another little boy joining our crew, I put off thinking about what things he might need until a week ago. And then I might have freaked out a little because even though we have a boy, it's been over two years since he was a newborn.

Thirty never looked so good….. hehehe. I was crazy shocked when my belly was measured the other day, and it was measuring smaller than my weeks! I always measured a week ahead with Ajax, and I have felt SO much bigger this time around. I believe my doctor’s tape to measure bellies runs small….God bless […]

I had a moment, this week, when I freaked out. My belly was giving me all sorts of pain – I didn’t have round ligament pain or Braxton Hicks with Ajax – and I couldn’t get B to move, despite all my poking and drinking cold lemonade. And my brain just freaked the capital F […]

When I realized that I was going to be pregnant A L L winter, my first thought was maybe I’ll need an actual maternity coat. Maybe. Then I started asking other people who were also gonna be preggers in the winter, and people who had been preggo in the winter and most people also went […]

I am now belly-enough that random people comment on my belly. I don’t really mind, honestly, so far everyone has been nice. And no one has tried to fondle my belly, unless they know me, and then I don’t care one bit. But the comments just keep coming. At the gym, Starbucks, Ajax’s daycare… there’s […]

// shirt : Old Navy / vest : Zara / necklace : J.Crew // // jeans : Gap Maternity /  boots : Vince Camuto // You know what’s hard: pulling over-the-knee boots off your pregnant body. That’s enough of a workout for me… where’s the diet coke? I’ve had these boots now for three, four […]

Technically, I’m at 21 weeks.. but putting that in the title would cause some serious conflict with my OCD. Halfway there! I have to say, there were so many things that have been different with this pregnancy, that I automatically guessed “girl” when it came to the gender. I was surprised when it became very […]

Hey eeeerrrryybody… Forgive my silence; my brain appears to be missing these days. For the first time ever (and I am SO praying, the last) I locked Ajax and my keys in the car as we were leaving the gym. And it was about 40 degrees and raining… The gym was amazing and in about […]

// “J” necklace : Etsy-Project Dahlia / dress : Forever21 / / shirt : J.Crew Factory / ring : J.Crew / shoes : Steve Madden // I’m still not 100% in love with this dress… But let me tell you. It’s freakin’ comfortable. I am basically wearing a black sack, so how could it not […]

I looked so hard for a bump when I was pregnant with Ajax. I mean, hard! And finally, around 14 weeks, one little bump appeared. I am twelve weeks, and I’ll just be honest, there’s been a little baby belly there for a while. It could be because of the sea salt caramels I’ve been […]

It was a Monday night; the husband had the day off so we decided sushi was in order for dinner that night. Oh man, can I get down with some sushi. Nom nom. We packed up Jax’s backpack and headed out for dinner. Miraculously we found a parking spot right across the street for the […]

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