Happy Halloween from Our Little…..
Ajax is “roaring” – He just saw the lions!
Did you think I was spilling the beans on the gender of our little one? Hah.. honestly, we still don’t know…yet. But do I promise to share! Promise.
Earlier this month, my husband came home with an adorable picture of a little one dressed up as a scuba diver for Halloween. And considering my husband is a combat diver, I immediately was all about making our little guy “just like Papa” for Halloween!
Last year Ajax was a fox (and aaaalll we heard what “What does the fox say?”) which was a super easy sewing project for me. This year I didn’t do one stitch of sewing, but used a little duct tape and spray paint instead. Duct tape for everything! We’ve got two more events for Ajax to wear his costume (and I’ll probably shorten the flippers so it’s easier for him to walk) but I’m kinda in love with this little scuba man!
Any fun costumes out there for Halloween?