What to Wear to the Beach

LOCATION | Capitola Beach, Capitola CA
shorts (like these too!) | tank (similar) | sweatshirtTobi | sunglasses but I like these too

Before I moved to Monterey, I would have never thought that you would or need to wear anything other than a swimsuit to the beach. But since this coast struggles to hit warm temperatures, I’ve gotten almost zero use out of my swimsuit while living here. I guess in trade for hot sunny beach weather you get the rocky, beautiful, moody coastline of northern California. West coast best coast huh.

My normal attire for the beach revolves around athletic wear. I wear these leggings a lot (A LOT!) because they’re basic, but still wick moisture and sand tend to brush off easily. That’s basically the criteria. Give me the clothes that I can can sit in the sand, chase one my little demons children up the beach, and still feel like I’m dressed for the occasion, even when I’m not wearing a swimsuit. When I know it’s going to be a little warmer,  I’ll trade the leggings for shorts. Because then I can at least get my toes in the water!

Because of my proximity to a beach (not necessarily this one, although I do love the Capitola/Santa Cruz area!) I’ve worn just about everything from denim to a dress to the beach. But truly, my most comfortable outfits and what feels most appropriate for the occasion is when I’m sporting athletic wear.

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  1. 8.29.17

    SO cute! I love your style! And these fun beach photos!

    • 8.29.17
      Abi said:

      thanks girl! I’m so grateful for your encouragement!!

  2. 8.30.17
    Allie said:

    Such sweet photos! And I LOVE that sweatshirt!

    • 8.30.17
      Abi said:

      It’s such a fun piece! When I’m working out, it’s the perfect vibe too!

  3. 8.30.17

    Looks like the perfect beach outfit to me! Love the photos too – fun day!

    • 8.30.17
      Abi said:

      Basically, anything I can sit in the sand with works well! =)

  4. 9.2.17
    Erin May said:

    Looks like a fun family day at the beach!

    • 9.11.17
      Abi said:

      SO fun! Come visit.. we’ll take you=)

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