Lauterbrunnen + A Train Ride to Murren

This was the last trip week took before Germany locked down (due to Covid) on November 1st, 2020. Honestly, I’ve been putting off going through my photos from this trip because it was demoralizing that five months later, we were still not allowed to travel. Then, when things opened up… we traveled! But, this trip is definitely worth sharing.

For a few minutes, come with me to one of the most enchanting valleys that I have been to, so far…

When I first looked into visiting the Jugenfrau Region in Switzerland, I didn’t know anything about it. The famous picture in Lauterbrunnen, with the waterfall – I had never seen it before. Maybe that’s just showing my lack of knowledge when it comes to Switzerland, but I didn’t have really any expectations.

Which is really the best way to approach a new place.

About a week or so before we left, another military spouse posted photos from her trip to Lauterbrunnen and I immediately wrote her and asked about her experience! One of the most useful things she shared with me was that Switzerland was expensive! I think I knew that, but hearing that a kids plate was 20€…. I’ll just let you wonder what an adult meal cost. But it’s worth it for this view, right?

We’ve only done four trips since we moved to Germany last July, but we quickly learned that finding a playground is essential. My children will walk and look at buildings if there is / was a playground, and ice cream. Thankfully, both things have been excellent everywhere we’ve been.

This was the view from the playground….

Before we took a train up to the city of Murren, we made sure to get all the pictures with Lauterbrunnen’s famous waterfall. I really don’t think you can have to many picture of this view. This valley is such a spectacular place that Tolkien used Lauterbrunnen as his inspiration for Rivendell. It doesn’t take a lot to imagine elves living here.

This is real life.

Since it was suppose to be the only sunny day durning the weekend we were here, with our friends, we headed up to the Swiss city of Murren. This town is only accessible by train, which really felt more like a gondola on tracks, heading up the side of a mountain.

Once we went up the mountain, we took another train to get to the town of Murren. Honestly, the train ride (local train, nothing special) would totally make the trip worth it. Even from the train, there were views for daaaaaays. It’s hard to believe that someone gets to wake up to this.

Another thing that we’ve learned…. pack a beer. Or a tiny bottle of Prosecco. And if you haven’t packed one, the gas station will have options. But you will be grateful that your husband took the burden of walking with a backpack with beers. Because if you are forced to walk down the Swiss Alps because there are no more trains, you will be so grateful…..

TRAVEL NOTE | We made the choice to go to Murren instead of Wegen after hearing about the FREE playground, Allmendhubel. It was a local train ride fee up, and even though we had to walk back down to Murren, that walk ended up being one of the best parts about the trip! Hindsight, I wouldn’t change a thing.

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