How I Conquer My Laundry

This shop has been compensated by all® laundry detergent. #allOXIatWalmart #sponsored

Here’s the thing. Out of all the tasks that I have to as an adult, doing laundry is among the least favorite. It’s not so much the putting clothes into the laundry machine and hitting ‘wash’ but everything else that follows. I mean there are so many steps…from getting the wet clothes into the dryer in a timely manner to getting it out of the dryer .5 seconds after it finished to keep from seven billion wrinkles appearing, to putting it away. Like really away, not away on the chair in your bedroom away. If we were billing for this job, we’d bill for at least three days. Minimum. 

So, since laundry is my Kilimanjaro, here’s how I conquer it.


Basically, this is the biggest thing, because nothing is worse than having to rewash your laundry. I mean, that tacks on at least a whole extra day to the process. So, to avoid that, add all® OXI laundry detergent to your next Walmart Pick Up – or the next time you’re shopping at your local Walmart – and bring home the amazing stain removing power of all® laundry detergent.

And, when you spend $15 on all® OXI Laundry products, you’ll get a $5 Walmart eGift Card. Just shop all® OXI laundry products at your nearest Walmart, complete the registration form, upload your receipt and redeem your gift card! I’m mean, what’s not to love about that?!


My washing machine is right off of my kitchen, and you will walk by it if you go out to my yard or to my garage. So, I try to leave my washing machine lid open, and when one of my boys spills syrup all over his jammies or finger-paints with ketchup, I throw that thing right into the washing machine. I bet you wouldn’t be surprised at all to know how fast it fills up, but it makes for a great place to get those pieces of clothing that need washing sooner rather than later. And it helps me with this next thing! 



The easiest way to not get overwhelmed by laundry is to stay on top of it. And really, if you do the above tip, it’s even easier to get that load of laundry done! Since we’re just talking about one load of laundry, doing the following steps don’t seem as overwhelming. I still might pick a day where I do a couple of loads of laundry, but only if I specifically need all the clothes in the house clean at the same time.


I mean, here’s the real tip for you…there are some things that just can’t be made easier. You just have to put on your big girl pants (because your regular ones need washing) and do your laundry. But, doing your laundry with all® OXI will at least mean that you have all® that stain-lifting power behind you!

And don’t forget! When you spend $15 on all® OXI Laundry products, you’ll get a $5 in Walmart eGift Card. Just shop all® OXI Laundry products at your nearest Walmart, complete the registration form, upload your receipt and redeem your gift card! You can use that $5 Walmart eGift card to buy some chocolates. That also usually makes doing laundry a bit more fun.



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