If there's a color that I've always loved, it's red. I'm not totally sure why, because as far as bright colors, this is one of them, and I usually shy away from c o l o r, but red seems to be the exception. I don't know if it's because I think it's a super patriotic color (#militaryspouse) or because I think it's a happy color - no matter why, I'm a fan of red.

It doesn't actually matter the season, there will be black in my closet. And even though, if there is going to be color, it's most likely to being during summer, I still gravitate to what I love... the color black. I think it's pretty obvious if you look at my outfits. One of the items on my summer wardrobe list was black jean shorts - denim and distressed were the qualifications.

I am all about the swimsuits this summer! Mainly because I can wear one everyday if I want, because that Colorado sun is so rad. It's been a few summers since I really looked at buying swimsuits so I wasn't totally sure what I wanted. Clearly, the one-piece swimsuits caught my eye. They just make so many good ones now that it's hard to say no. 

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