When I realized that I was going to be pregnant A L L winter, my first thought was maybe I’ll need an actual maternity coat. Maybe. Then I started asking other people who were also gonna be preggers in the winter, and people who had been preggo in the winter and most people also went by the whole maybe deal. As in they might buy a jacket, if that one jacket in their closet doesn’t kinda fit around their belly. Or maybe they’ll buy a normal jacket (non-maternity) just in a bigger size. Maybe.
I thought about this whole jacket thing all fall.
If I was going to carry anything like I did with Ajax, then no current coat of mine would ever zip up. And call it petite-girl-syndrome, but wearing anything in a larger size automatically looks terrible on me. Terrible. These things I knew.
I know this might not seem like it should have taken up any more thought other than “where do I buy a maternity jacket” but honestly, it was quite the conundrum for me. I like buying clothes, and buying maternity clothes isn’t my favorite. You only wear it for so long plus the seasonal aspect. I.E. A winter coat! And, my (small) fashion inspirations- pregnant fashion bloggers and Pinterest- basically just show pregnant women wearing an unzipped jacket for winter outfits. Who really wears their jacket like that when it’s actually cold? And also, I hate being cold. I don’t mind the cold, I just don’t want to BE cold. Even with a belly, if I have to step outside on a wintery, Colorado day with just an unzipped jacket, I’m going to be cold.
Are you bored with this story yet? You already know what happens. I bought a maternity winter jacket…
And I L O V E L O V E L O V E it! I’ve had it through one winter snow so far, and I’ve been warm. Snuggly, comfortably, warm. And I’ve already been wondering if I could get away with wearing this coat, not pregnant, because I like it!
My two cents, pregnant mamas… buy a winter coat.
But now I want to know if you actually bought a winter maternity coat too,
when you were pregnant?