It’s Been A Few Years… So We’re Moving!

I’ve been holding onto this a bit of information since before Christmas…Considering the US military still owns our lives, it shouldn’t be a surprise that we’re moving! Again! For the eighth time in thirteen years. It’s taken a little bit to feel confident in sharing this information because the Army has been epically delayed in officializing orders. Yes, I made that word up and it’s the only that makes sense. We’ve known where we’re going, we just haven’t had the paperwork to back that up.

We’re moving to South Korea!

We’ve spend the last three years in Bavaria, Germany. In those three years, we managed to visit 32 countries (!!!) and loved every country we’ve seen. I know that the way I look at the world, America, life is different… my lens has been altered and shifted and broadened. It’s bigger, more full, more Christ-like, and it was exactly those experiences that prompted us to seek out our next assignment.

As soon as I know where we’re headed next, my brain and feelings fall into this place of limbo. I’ll look around at what has become home, and know that very soon, this place that I love to just be (because it’s my home) is about to be packed up and moved. My bed will soon be a government-loaned bed (and if you know about those mattresses, you know) and my cozy, personal house will just be sad, bare walls. But there is also the excitement of the unknown! We may just move into our favorite house ever. This might end up being our favorite duty station. I might just love the food so much that my tastebuds will hurt when we leave. I didn’t know that I would become obsessed with bubbles before moving back to Germany and traveling to the center of bubbles – Reims! The excitement of the unknown is addicting, for sure, and something I know I’ll miss when this military lifestyle comes to an end.

But right now, it’s South Korea! I do look forward to learning about Korean skincare, the convince store trips and snacks, ice cups, all the travel possible in Asia, the food – all the food! I am excited; I just have to move first.

I’ll do my best to share with you as we move! We’ve already sent one of our cars to South Korea (and we regularly say just “Korea” so if you catch me, I mean South Korea) in hopes that we aren’t too long without a car, but I was in the States when my husband sent it so I have nothing to share. Our first set of movers are coming ASAP, so get ready for ‘will my stuff make it to S Korea’ content!

이제 안녕
(goodbye for now)

husband + me on the Asian side of Istanbul, Turkey

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