It’s Cold in Paris!  – See my Winter Favorites – 


If having our favorite solider home after months upon months of him being away didn’t bring enough emotions into my life, this week, my oldest started Kindergarten! WHAT?!?!

I feel the least prepared for this life moment in that we haven’t really done back-to-school shopping, I have given no thought to what I want the morning schedule to look like, and what am I going to with Brecken on the days that he’s not in school! Also, what am I suppose to pack in his lunch and for snack!?!? And how is he doing to do without me?! Really, how am I going to do…..

But really, even with all the emotions of knowing that Ajax is off, starting his school journey and is no longer a preschooler, I am so excited for him! I hope he LOVES school, just like he loved preschool, and is surrounded by sweet classmates. We already know is teacher is a good one and love the school he is at! So here’s to a brand new school year and a BIG milestone for us!!

Ajax’s backpack + lunchbox
Ajax’s shorts + top + sneakers