It’s Cold in Paris!  – See my Winter Favorites – 

Hey Move

It’s been three and a half years since I’ve done an outta-state move, and first ever move with kiddos. But instead of checking things off my moving list, I’m over on Snapchat (Abi Linsey) terrifying Ajax to tear by using the faces filters…and couldn’t stop laughing about it. And instead of getting in a few more healthy, home-cooked meals for dinner before we’re stuck with eating out and take out, I, instead tried see how many times I could serve chicken nuggets before the husband catches on. I’ll tell you how many times; once. Only once. Maybe that’s what I can offer the movers for lunch… delicious chicken nuggets! They are coated in panko crumbs…

And in between all the appointments that seem to have popped up and the goodbyes and events going on, there’s the sob fest I do every time I see those gorgeous Rocky Mountains out my window knowing my days of seeing those views are limited. Sob. Fest. I’m pretty sure this is how Ajax’s has been feeling about all the furniture that we’ve been selling. Apparently he had some attachments to our bar stools and coffee table….

And also, I’m pretty sure I lost my drivers license. Add “get a new drivers license” to my list of things to do.

So hey move, I see you. You should show up with some champagne for mimosas… I’ll even squeeze the oranges.