It’s Cold in Paris!  – See my Winter Favorites – 

38 Weeks

// tank / joggers (similar) / sneakers //

Unless this little guy has a mind of his own, we have his arrival all planned! And considering Ajax had to basically be forced out of my belly, my guess is this guy will need a little encouragement too. Although there will be no complaints from me if this little guy shows up earlier than planned – he’s big enough. Notice the huge belly…

Don’t let this outfit fool you…I’m not heading to work out. I gave that up a few months ago.  And while I look like I should be giving birth right this very minute, I’m not. I am down to a pair or two of pants and a few shirts that actually fit, so living in joggers and a crop top is my jam. (No, it’s not really a crop top. My belly just makes it look like one.) I think I’ve even grown since I took these pictures…

I’ve always had a tiny frame, so it legit makes me laugh when I catch a glimpse of myself that, when pregnant, I end up having a giant belly. Trust me, it’s hard to move around. Especially when it’s moving after a super busy toddler. I can barely keep up, and I think Ajax knows it. My husband even laughs (kindly) at this giant belly. I’ve 100% reached the point of being uncomfortable at all times, no matter what. But, knowing there’s an end date in sight is amazing, even if it’s not today. We are so excited to meet this “little” guy!