Even after I found out there was going to be another little boy joining our crew, I put off thinking about what things he might need until a week ago. And then I might have freaked out a little because even though we have a boy, it’s been over two years since he was a newborn. Remember Abi, newborns can’t feed themselves…
After frantically looking through the things I saved from Ajax, I made an excel spreadsheet (100% influenced from my husband, who has a spreadsheet for everything) and started thinking about what I might need for baby number two. What worked for me with Ajax and what are a few new things I might need?
The biggest factor in the stuff for baby #2, is that there is a strong, STRONG possibility we will be moving (outta state) within two months of this little guy’s birth. And because of that, I’m not putting together a nursery. Well, I totally am putting a room together in my head and on Pinterest. But knowing about the probable move, it felt silly to create a nursery just to pack it up and move. And honestly, I’m planning on the boys sharing a room, once the littlest is sleeping through the night (and naps), which has been super fun to try and dream up!
But back to stuff for baby #2… A few things are re-purchases that I loved using with Ajax so they’re getting re-stocked in my house. Think the Wubbanub, mini backpack, and Tommee Tippee bottles.
Nuna Sena Mini Travel Crib – Because of the move, I wanted a crib that could be use right when we brought him home from the hospital, was simple and portable (we’re moving) and wasn’t a bassinet. I used a bassinet with Ajax, and it was a nightmare trying to get him to re-learn how to sleep in a crib. I have a Nuna Leaf, so I’m familiar with Nuna and I love their simple designs. We set the crib up in a few seconds – with one hand – and took it down – with one hand. We obviously haven’t used it yet, but I’m super optimistic that we made a great choice because right now, I love it!
I used a Baby Bjorn with Ajax – which was fine up until he weighed more than 15 pounds, and then it was hard for me to carry him around. So this time, I’m going with the Ergo 360, because being able to face forward was a huge deal for Ajax, and I want the option for this little guy, but with all the support the Ergo offers.
I have the Baby Jogger City Mini GT and L O V E it! So when looking for a double stroller, I didn’t look to far. I love that these seats stack and aren’t side-by-side, AND it can turn into a single stroller. The City Select Double Stroller isn’t AS easy to fold down as the Mini GT, but for a double stroller, it’s pretty easy.
So…. I’m not crazy about nursing, I did it for just a little while with Ajax and I’m willing to give it another go with this little guy. But because I don’t think I’ll be nursing for months on end, I love that the Covered Goods has multiple uses! So I can use it for nursing AND covering his infant car seat! BONUS
And since I have been mildly obsessed with all things black and white, I died when I found Modern Burlap. I would like one of each please. Because every little one needs a super sweet blanket!
Anything else out there you mama’s would recommend?