28 Weeks + PinkBlush Maternity
I happen to think dressing a bump is kinda hard. I’ve been a fan of capsule wardrobes, and I pretty much think they’re impossible for preggo’s – mainly because you just don’t know what you’re going to look like in a few weeks. So planning clothes for all nine-ish months is something I can’t do.
And, side note, pieces of clothing I loved with my pregnancy with Ajax, I’m not currently loving so much. Like demi pannel maternity jeans…so not comfortable for me this time around! Like, I die with them on. And since I was also pregnant with Ajax over the summer, maternity maxi dresses were awesome! But we’re talking winter here, and although I’ve seen pics of ladies pulling off the maxi dress in the winter, it just not for me.
Bottom line, its hard to find cute maternity clothes. So I was thrilled when PinkBlush Maternity asked if I wanted to style their maternity clothes. Yes, please! I can’t remember the specific picture, but I know the first time I heard about PinkBlush Maternity was from seeing one of their maternity dresses all over. The pretty, mint floral one? So pretty.
But since it’s officially winter (even if it was seventy degrees in PA on Christmas Day!) I went with something super winterish. And, because I feel super large (compared to my pregnancy with Ajax) the gray leopard suede elbow knit maternity top was perfection. It’s roomy and comfortable. Also, I’ve never been able to turn down a good leopard print.
// leggings : Seven for all Mankind (similar) /sweater : c/o PInkBlush Maternity /
boots : (old) Vince Camuto / glasses : Warby Parker //
I hit 28 weeks a few days ago, and I’m almost positive I look like like I did with Ajax, at 37 weeks… Can anyone else feel me? Hi extra large belly.
I wore this sweater on my recent anni date and its as adorable as it looks. In case you need something with a little sparkle.
And since I couldn’t pass up on a little floral, even with a winter pregnancy, I tried the navy neon floral hoodie… One word. Comfortable.