It’s Cold in Paris!  – See my Winter Favorites – 

A Date Night In Venice, Italy

When we traveled to Venice, Italy, we went with friends. And one night we traded off times so both couples could enjoy a few hours out and about in Venice. I highly recommend it! Not that I don’t love walking around a city with my children – I really, really do – but not having to make sure anyone was going to fall into a canal, or chase a pigeon into a crowd, or step in a gross water hole (barf!), not having to do any of those things for a few hours was beyond lovely.

Venice is lovely.

walking the streets of Venice, Italy
limoncello aperitifs

We didn’t have reservations anywhere and didn’t put to much thought into where we were going since it was ANYWHERE IN VENICE! Our food was good, and our time together was sweet. If I was more of a researcher, I might have tried Risotto al nero di seppia (essentially squid ink risotto) or Bigoli in salsa – which is pasta with a sauce that has onions and salt-cured fish (sardines or anchovies). But since I was just thinking about sitting on the streets of Venice with my man, I ordered what sounded good. Melon wrapped in prosciutto and eggplant parmesan. I didn’t order adventurous, but I did order well! All of it tasted delicious.

Gellato is literally required when you’re in Italy; so many, many cones!

I don’t think that I tend to be the b e s t at planning dates – the babysitter, what we do. But I do think that both my husband and I are good at seizing date opportunities. Usually the longer I know about a date, the more time I have to think up unrealistic expectations. Hah! So seizing the moment is good for me. Because isn’t the goal of a date spending time together? So really, anything on top of that is just extra.

This date was so much extra because it was in V E N I C E, I T A L Y!!! My date night goals have significantly been raised…Not sure what this does for my expectations though.