It’s Cold in Paris!  – See my Winter Favorites – 

Camping in Deckers, Colorado

Here’s the thing, I grew up camping. Mostly it was with my parents pop-up camper, but when I got older, I had my own 2-person tent that I would sleep in. And no, they didn’t give me an air mattress. My point is I’ve been camping…

Generally  I prefer less dirt everywhere, actual bathrooms and showers, and a lot less work when it comes to meals. But I don’t hate camping either….

All my boys talked about was camping when papa came home, so I knew it was happening. Here’s a camping tip: Camp with people who love it and don’t mind doing all the planning, shopping, and setting everything up! 

Turns out, my camping planner picked a beautiful spot! And that’s what I DO love about camping. I like being outside (even though there is dirt). I love the mountains. And anywhere there’s water, it’s just that much better. It’s hard not to be happy when it’s this beautiful all around you.

Grabbing our extra pieces of astroturf was the smartest thing!

We only stayed for one night (which was the right amount for me!) but it was enough time to play in the creek, shoot a few cans with bb’s, make a campfire to roast hotdogs and marshmallows – because nothing is better than a s’more when you’re camping!

It really was a sweet day, and I loved spending it with my boys outside. Even if there was dirt e v e r y w h e r e! And there’s a picture of Ajax to prove it…