Here’s the thing, when it comes to my everyday, this is eighty-five percent how I roll: something easy to wear and minimal effort with hair and makeup. I say eighty-five percent because I do occassionally add mascara, and it usually makes a world of difference in my face. Any while it’s not always sunny in the mornings here in Monterey, when it is, I love spending some time on our balcony. Who doesn’t love a balcony?! Brecken loves it, obviously.
Minimal effort for me is wearing my hair with waves (or curls). I have c o r s e, w a v y, t h i c k hair and when it’s air dried I have waves. Now I’m a little too OCD to just let my natural hair fly, but I’ve been told that I could. Especially when I’m wearing Birks…….. I’ve been using a 1 1/4” curling iron* to add some order to my waves and occasionally use a texture spray or beach wave spray.
I can typically go three to four days without washing my hair, usually with a little bit of dry shampoo for my roots. I’ve been trying to avoid the mom bun aka top knot as much as I can. Not because it’s a mom bun but because I’m trying to grow my hair out and keeping it out of a tie is helps it not to break.
| curling iron | texture spray | beach wave spray |
I’ll just say it, I think that I always look better when I’m wearing mascara. BUT since I think it’s a nuisance to wash off everyday, let’s all just be okay with me n o t wearing it all the time, because that’s usually how I roll.
I’ve considered doing eyelash extensions because they’ve always look stunning on people with them, and then I really won’t have to wear mascara. But considering they have to be refilled every 2-4 weeks, I’m not sure I want that up keep. And I don’t have complaints about the length or thickness of my eyelashes; they’re just blonde! I have had them tinted before, so maybe I’ll go that route again. Anything that will make it easier to wear as little makeup as possible!
Glossier Skin Tint | Bare Minerals Loose Powder | Tarte – Park Princess | Blush
Something easy to wear, and also comfortable. This jumpsuit, while it can hold a wrinkle, is totally easy and comfortable with a touch of cool. And I can throw a cardigan overtop which is almost always necessary here, at least in the mornings.
jumpsuit (similar floral version, off-the-shoulder version) | sneakers (similar in more sizes)
*I used to use a 3/4″ but since I’ve gotten little bit more length in my hair, a bigger barrel gives me the look I want.