It’s Cold in Paris!  – See my Winter Favorites – 

California | Natural Bridges State Beach

Earlier this year, we headed up to spend a morning at the Natural Bridges State Park. It was one of the first times exploring Santa Cruz, and we had a great time just hanging out on this beach. It’s not very big, but it was definitely neat having that view while on the beach. Ajax is a big fan of the “giant sandbox” and Brecken seems to take after his brother in thinking that sand taste good. I don’t get it.

Here’s a PSA, in case you weren’t aware and are ever in the area. There are quite a few “clothing optional” beaches in the Santa Cruz area. That would have made for an interesting morning had I picked one of those beaches for Ajax to play with his trucks on….

Oh, and we ended up eating at The Crow’s Nest, out on their patio and we had a great experience.

We didn’t explore it, but it looked like there is a trail following the coast along Santa Cruz, which would make for a walk, especially if you’re staying in the area. Also, there’s a plethora of surfers, so there’s that if that’s your thing. Hang loose bro.