It’s Cold in Paris!  – See my Winter Favorites – 

20 Weeks

Technically, I’m at 21 weeks.. but putting that in the title would cause some serious conflict with my OCD. Halfway there! I have to say, there were so many things that have been different with this pregnancy, that I automatically guessed “girl” when it came to the gender. I was surprised when it became very obvious that this little baby was a BOY. In no way disappointed; I love being a boy mom and can’t wait to give Ajax a little brother.

This little boy has been just wiggling around in my belly. I forgot how growing a child kinda makes you feel like your belly is just going to burst open at any moment. And somehow, miraculously, it doesn’t! I know because I googled if that had ever happened for real, the first time I was pregnant. The things pregnancy makes you do…

// shirt : J.Crew Factory / jeans : H&M Maternity / booties : Report //