Hiking in Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument
We recently took a trip to Albuquerque to see family, and after spending the morning in Santa Fe (which is one of my all time fav cities!) we decided to do an impromptu hike in the Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument. I have seen pictures of these tent-like rock formations, but getting to see them in person was pretty legit.
It was also legit H O T and since we flew to ABQ, we didn’t bring our double Bob, because, airplanes… But it would have been the perfect stroller to have for the sandy, loose rock trail that we hiked on. Still, the stud that I’m married to pushed our City Select through the whole thing… usually with two kiddos smushed into the seat. I mean, seriously. Stud.
| shorts – Lululemon | top – Lululemon (similar and on sale) | sandals – Merrell (newer version) | sunglasses – Ray-Ban |
Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument is in-between Santa Fe and Albuquerque, and easy drive from either city. You need to bring your own water and snacks – as there’s isn’t much close by. And sunscreen. We just happened to go in the hottest part of the year (sorry kids!) but even during cooler temps, there’s not much coverage. A jogging stroller, or stroller made for trails would do great on the canyon trail loop, but it’s not a easy push either. Or so says my husband.
I’ve never seen anything like these rock formations; they’re pretty cool. It’s totally worth the trip to explore the area! We were covered in sandy dirty by the end of the hike, but my boys basically eat dirt, so I’m calling that a successful hike!