It’s Cold in Paris!  – See my Winter Favorites – 

California | Pescadero

Just south of Half Moon Bay, CA is this tiny, tiny little town called Pescadero. The downtown is about a block long, and features a coffee shop, a few restaurants and all the quaintness one might want; which is probably why there were Zipcar’s everywhere. #cityfolkscomintothecountry

The town itself is surrounded by beautiful marshes, and we visited a goat farm close by that was fun. But the real views are up Cabriollo Highway 1. I’m not sure anyone could actually get tired of seeing a coastline that pretty. It’s a day-trip worth taking, even if you never leave your car! Although with all the pull-offs and beaches, you’re gonna wanna get out. Anywhere along the coast is a perfect spot to spend a day. It might be one of the prettiest drives along the coast.

lunch | Duarte’s Tavern
the goat farm | Harley Farms
baby carrier | Ergo 360
my outfit | jeans + shirt (similar)